For your safety, read completely before operating.
CAUTION: DO NOT turn Power Switch ‘on’ until the booster has been filled with
water and all air has been purged from the water lines and accumulator
Open the water supply valve at the Booster Heater water supply inlet and fill Booster
Heater. Manually open the temperature/pressure relief valve on the left side of the
cabinet to vent air from water piping. Cycle dishwasher to ensure that all air is
purged from the system and to flush out any contaminants left from piping process.
Do this procedure with the manual gas valve CLOSED (gas supply off). With water supply
valve open (water side under pressure) and with manual gas supply valve in CLOSED
position (no gas flow to unit), push power supply rocker switch on left, top side of cabinet
to ON position. Combustion air fan should start, digital temperature readout should
illuminate and indicate water temperature in accumulator tank and LED indicators in
readout panel should illuminate. If water temperature is below control set point, circulating
pump will start, air flow, water flow and hi-limit E.C.O.’s will prove and ignition system will
be powered. Red LED on ignition control will illuminate briefly, confirming internal self-
check. Following 2-3 seconds igniter warm-up (observe igniter through viewing window to
verify), an audible ‘click’ will be heard from the gas valve opening. With gas supply off,
ignition will not occur and flame-proving sensor will shut off gas valve. This process will
repeat for, 3 cycles, after which the ignition system will automatically lock-out, requiring a
manual re-set. The combustion fan will remain on low speed, providing a continuous
purge of the combustion chamber. Manual re-set is accomplished by turning off power
switch on booster left side panel for 10 seconds, then turning back on.