
6.2. Scanner Related Functions
To save power, the decoder IC is disabled when scanner is not in use. It can be
enabled through USI functions. Following functions are meaningful only if decode IC is
6.2.1. Enable/Disable Scanner trigger key
Function Description:
This function enables/disables trigger keys.
Function call:
void EnableScannerTrigger(BOOL fOn)
Parameter (Input)
fON: BOOL: TRUE = enable trigger keys.
FALSE = disable trigger keys.
Return code:
6.2.2. Turn on/off Scan Engine
Function Description:
This function emulates trigger keys to turn scan engine on or off. It
functions even if trigger keys are disabled.
Function call:
void SetScannerOn(BOOL fON)
fON: BOOL: TRUE = turn scan engine on.
False= turn scan engine off.
Return code: none
6.2.3. Get Trigger keys Status
Function Description:
This function returns enable/disable status of trigger keys.
Function call:
BOOL GetScannerTrigger(void)
Return code:
TRUE = trigger keys are enabled.
FALSE = trigger keys are disabled.
6.2.4. Get Scanner Status
Function Description:
This function returns the status of scan engine, or trigger key.
Function call:
BOOL GetScannerStatus(void)
Return code:
TRUE = scan engine is on, or trigger key is pressed.
FALSE = scan engine is off, or trigger key is released.