Ultra Electronics Card Systems Quick Start Guide
MAGICARD TURBO Color Printer Page 31
1. Lift up the Top Cover to the vertical position, and remove the Cassette. Switch ON the
power supply.
2. Get the motor to turn the rollers by operating the Microswitch in the front of the print
engine, by hand. Allow the motors to achieve full operating speed before applying the
Cleaning Card to the rollers, otherwise the motors will stall and the rollers fail to turn.
3. Clean the Front Rubber Drive Roller every 1000 cards printed or if mis-registration
occurs. Open a fresh solvent impregnated Cleaning Card and clean the Front Rubber
Drive Roller by inserting the Cleaning Card from the front with the impregnated side
faced down, with the rollers turning so that the roller turns against the Cleaning Card as
shown in Position A.
4. Clean the Printhead Roller, normally positioned beneath the Thermal Printhead, by
applying the Cleaning Card (with the impregnated side faced down) to the visible
surfaces of the Printhead Roller so that the roller turns against the Cleaning Card as
shown in Position D.
NOTE Discard the Cleaning Card when it has dried out. One or two cards should be
sufficient to carry out these instructions.
5. Clean the Rear Rubber Drive Roller by inserting the Cleaning Card with the impregnated
side faced down, from the rear with the rollers turning (ie, beneath the Card Preventer
and the Sticky Roller) so that the lower roller turns against the Cleaning Card as shown
in Position E.
6. Clean the Card Feed Rollers every 1000 cards printed or if problems occur with cards
feeding from the Cassette. Using the Cleaning Card clean the two Card Feed Rollers.
One is normally beneath the Card Cassette and the other is close to theSticky Roller.
These rollers are geared together and cannot be turned by operating the Microswitch as
above. Turn one Card Feed Roller by hand whilst applying the Cleaning Card, with the
impregnated side faced down, to the other Card Feed Roller. Repeat the cleaning
process for the other Card Feed Roller as shown in Positions B and C.