MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Responder Loop Design Considerations
Page 2-2 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
The inclusion of one or more MXPs in an MX4428 system requires consideration of .....
(i) The definition of zones throughout the area to be protected.
(ii) Assessment of the detectors and other addressable device types and positions
required to monitor each zone and interface to external equipment. This will indicate
if and where the MXP's addressable devices are most appropriate, for purely
functional reasons or for reducing system cost through reduced wiring.
The Design Engineer should be fully familiar with the concept of logical responders,
as described in Section
2.2, before allocating an MXP to monitor multiple alarm
This process should result in an initial system design defining .....
- Number and location of all Responders including MXPs.
- Number and location of all addressable devices.
- Planned cable route for MX4428 Responder Loop.
- Planned cable route(s) for MXP Analogue Loop(s).
(iii) Using the design rules given in this manual, analyse each MXP Analogue Loop/Line
to confirm .....
- the MXP's current capability is adequate for the proposed devices (see
Section 3.2).
- the proposed cable has the correct AC characteristics (see Section
- the proposed cable has the correct DC characteristics (see Section
(iv) Using Section 5 of this manual, in conjunction with the MX4428 Engineering Manual
(LT0071), analyse the MX4428 responder Loop. This should result in.....
- the type and size of cable to be used for the power and signal portions of the
MX4428 Responder Loop.
- the number and position of Loop Boosters required (if necessary).
(v) The results of (iii) and (iv) indicate whether or not the proposed system design is
practical and/or cost-effective. If not, analyse what factors have contributed to the
design being impractical, re-design these areas or consider the use of loop boosters
and return to step (i).
(vi) Assess and document the programming of the MX4428 Master to support the system
design. Programming of the MX4428 is covered in the MX4428 Programming Manual
LT0072, with additional details of using SmartConfig in the SmartConfig user manual
LT0332. The following data must be entered to support MXPs.
- information which, when downloaded to the MXP, defines how the MXP is to
process the data received from addressable devices on the Analogue
- information retained at the Master which defines how it is to process data
received from configured MXPs on the MX4428 Loop.