Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug. J
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units soequipped. J
Failure to follow these instructionscan result in serious personal injury or propertydamage.
pull down on the beltand roll it onto the
large,forward-most groove of the trans-
mission pulley (P, Figure5-20).
7. Reinstallthe belt cover.
8. Testfor correct tension on the forward
clutch belt (see CheckingForward Belt
Figure5-22: Right-sideview.
The reverseclutch belt (J, Figure5-22) is
driven by the enginedrive pulley(I, Figure
5-20). Whenthe ReverseClutchControl
knob is pulled out, it pulls the reverse
idler arm and pulley (N) which tightens
the beltagainst theengine drive pulley.
This drives thetransmission drive pulley
(L), resulting in reversemotion.
1. Stop engine,allow itto cool and dis-
connect spark plug wire beforeworking
nearbelts. Also remove ignition key on
electric start models.
2. Removebeltcover (Figure5-13) by
removing two flange Iocknuts.
3. Pullthe reverseclutch beltdownward
and slip it off the transmission pulley
(L, Figure5-22).
4. Usetwo 1/2"wrenchesto loosenand
remove wire belt guide (R, Figure5-22)
from the reverse idler arm pulley. Do not
remove Iocknut and screw.
5. Removethe reversebeltand pull it out
through front of transmission housing.
1. Stopengine,allow itto cool and dis-
connectspark plug wire beforeworking
near belts. Also remove ignitionkeyon
electric start models.
IMPORTANT:Theforward clutch belt
must be installed beforethe reverse
clutch belt.
2. Installthe forward clutch belt (see
Installing Forward ClutchBeltin this
section) before installing reversebelt.
IMPORTANT:The reversebelt hasa 'V"
shape. Wheninstalling the belt, make
surethat thewidest (flat) side of the belt
rides againstthe reverseidler pulley(N,
Figure5-22) and transmission pulley (L).
If needed,the belt can betwisted "inside
out" so that the "V" shapedside is on the
outside and the widest side is on the
3. Insertthe beltdown into thefront of
thetransmission housing. Slip thetop
half of the belt onto the reverseidler arm
pulley (N).
4. Pull the beltdownward and loop the
bottom half of beltaround thefront
grooveof transmission pulley(L, Figure
5. Mount the belt guide betweenthe two
flat washers and tighten snugly. The
guide needsadjusting beforefully
Figure5-23: Reverse beltguidepositioning.
6. (You will needan assistantto help
with this step.) Pull the reverse idler
pulley(N) up to its highest point and
position the belt guide (R) horizontally
levelas shown in Figure5-23. Securely
tighten the screwand lock nut (M, Figure
7. Pull back on the ReverseClutch
Control knoband makesure that the
reverseclutch belt fully contacts the
groove in the enginepulley. Releaseknob
and make surethat the belt doesn't
engagethe reverseengine pulley. This
may causethe unit to move in reverse
when theWheel GearLeveris engaged.
Adjust the cablefor less tension if this
condition occurs. SeeCheckingand
Adjusting ReverseBelt Tensionfor more
8. Reinstallthe belt cover and secure it
with two flange Iocknuts.
9. Test the unit in an open location.