,_ WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnectspark plug wireand move wire awayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
If the Forward Clutch Baildoes not func-
tion properly,first checkthat the forward
drive belt is adjusted properly (see Check-
ing andAdjusting Forward Drive Belt Ten-
sion). If this fails to correct the problem,
contact Troy-Bilt LLCor your authorized
dealerfor service advice.
(Model 634A only)
It is important to maintain correct tension
on the reversedrive belt. A loosebelt will
causethetines andwheelsto slow down-
or stop completely - eventhough the en-
gine is running at full speed.
Whencheckingbelttension, alsocheckthe
belt for cracks, cuts or frayed edgesand
replaceit as soon as possible.
• Checkbelt tension after the first two
hours ofbreak-in operationandafter every
10 operatinghours.
1. Stop engine,wait for all parts to stop
moving and disconnect spark plug wire.
2. Removescrew in plastic belt cover and
slide beltcover (which is attachedto for-
ward clutch cable) out of the way.
3. Haveanassistant pull the Reverse
Clutch Control knob all the way out and
hold it inthat position. Measurethe length
of the cablewire betweenthe end of the
threadedcableadjuster (A,Figure5-5) and
the end of the Z-fitting (B)to which the ca-
ble wire is attached.
4. Thebelttension is idealif the cablewire
lengthmeasuresbetween1/8"to 1/4".If it is
lessthan 1/8"(andif there is no reverseac-
tion whenthe tiller is running), thenmake
the following adjustments
NOTE:Ifthe lengthis morethan 1/4",noad-
justment isneeded--as long asthe reverse
actionfunctions properly.
5. Releasethe ReverseClutchControl
knob.andthen unthreadthe inner jam nut
(C, Figure5-6) oneto two turns. Pull the
threaded cableadjuster (A, Figure5-6) to
the left until the innerjam nut (C)touches
the bracket.
6. Preventthe inner jam nut (C) from turn-
ing and tighten the outer jam nut (D)
againstthe bracket. Preventthe outer jam
nut (D)from turning and tighten the inner
jam nut (C) againstthe bracket.
7. Measurethe gap by repeatingStep 3.
Readjustas neededby repeatingSteps 5
and 6.
8. Reinstallthe belt cover.
Figure5-5: Measure cable wire lengthto
checkforcorrectreversebelt tension.
Replacement Belt Information
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see
your local authorizeddealeror referto the
Parts List for ordering information. Use
only a factory-authorized belt asan "over-
the-counter" belt may not perform satis-
factorily. Theprocedure requires average
mechanicalability andcommonly available
Keepingthe engineclean will help to en-
sure smooth operation and prevent dam-
agefrom overheating.Referto the Engine
Owner's Manualfor enginecleaning ser-
vice intervals and instructions. Besure
thatthe muffler iscool beforeservicingthe
Theair cleanerfilters dirt and dust out of
the air before it enters the carburetor.Op-
eratingthe enginewith a dirty, clogged air
filter can causepoor performance and
damageto the engine. Neveroperatethe
enginewithout the air cleanerinstalled. In-
spectand service the air cleaner more of-
ten if operating in very dusty or dirty
conditions. Referto the engine Owner's
Manualfor air cleanerservice intervalsand
Checkthe engine oil level beforeeachuse
and after every five hours of continuous
operation. Runningthe engine when it is
low on oil will quickly ruin theengine.
It is recommendedthat you changethe
motor oil after every 10hours of operation
and evensoonerwhen operating in ex-
tremely dirty or dustyconditions. Referto
the EngineOwner'sManual for detailed
A. ToChecktheEngineOil Level:
1. Parkthetiller ona levelareaandshut off
the engine.
2. Leveltheengine (use the Depth Regula-
tor Leverto adjust the engineangle).