Stoppingthe EngineandTiller
1. Tostop thewheelsandtines, releasethe
ForwardClutch Bail(all models) or the Re-
verse ClutchControl (Models 634Fand
634B) -- whichevercontrol isin use.
2. Tostop theengine, putthe ignition
switch and/or thethrottle control leverin
the "OFF"or "STOP"position.
Thefollowing operating instructionspro-
videguidelines to usingyour tiller effec-
tively and safely. Besureto read Tilling
Tips& Techniquesin this Section before
actually putting the tines into the soil.
NOTE:This is a traditional "Standard-Ro-
tating-Tine" (SRT)tiller with forward ro-
tating tines. It operatescompletely
differently from "Counter-Rotating-Tine"
(CRT)tillers or from front-tine tillers.
1. Followthe Pro-Start Checklist at the
beginning ofthis Section. Besurethat the
wheelsare in theWHEELDRIVEposition.
2. Movethe Depth RegulatorLeverall the
way down, sothat thetines clearthe
ground. Usethis position whenpracticing
with thetiller and when traveling between
tilling sites. Beforeactuallytilling, move
the leverto the desireddepth setting (see
Tilling Tips & Techniques).
3. Start engine and allow itto warm up.
Thenput throttle in "FAST"setting.
4. For forward motion of the wheelsand
(a) Pull ForwardClutch Bail (Fig. 4-1) up
againsthandlebar. Releasebailto stop for-
ward motion of wheels and tines.
(b) Whentilling, relaxand letthe wheels
pull the unit while thetines dig. Walk be-
hindand a littleto onesideofthe unit. Use
one hand,yet keepa light--but secure--
grip on the handlebar(while keepingyour
arm loose). SeeFig.4-2. Let the unit
move at its own paceand do not push
down on the handlebarsto try and force
thetines todig deeper--this takesweight
off the wheels,reduces traction,and caus-
esthe tines to try and propel the tiller.
WARNING: Donot push
down onthe handlebarsto try
to makethetiller till more
deeply. This preventsthe
wheelsfrom holding thetiller
backand canallow thetines to
rapidly propelthetiller forward,
which could result in loss of
control, property damage,or
5. For reversemotion of the wheelsand
tines (Models 634F/634Bonly):
(a) Lookbehindand exercisecaution when
operating in reverse. Denottill while in
(b) Stopall forward motion. Lift handle-
bar with one handuntil tines are off the
ground and then pull ReverseClutchCon-
trol knob out (seeFig.4-3). Tostop revers-
ing, let go of ReverseClutch Control knob.
(b) Swingthe handlebarto the left sothe
right wheeltakesa "step" backward.Next
swing the handlebarto the right so theleft
wheel"steps" backward.Repeatasneeded.
(c) If longer distances needto becovered
in reverse,shut off the engine,then place
thetwo wheelsin FREEWHEEL.
7. ToTurnthe TillerAround:
(a) Practiceturning thetiller in a level,
open area. Bevery carefulto keepyour
feetand legsawayfrom the tines.
(b) Tobeginaturn, liftthe handlebarsuntil
andtines are balancedoverthewheels(Fig.
(c) With tiller balanced,pushsidewayson
handlebarto steer in direction of turn (Fig.
4-5). After turning, slowly lowertines into
soil to resumetilling.
Fig.4-4: Tobeginturn,lift handlebarsuntil
Fig.4-5: Withtinesoutofground,pushhae-
Fig.4-3: Raisetinesoffgroundandlook StoppingtheTillerandEngine
behindwhenmovinginreverse. 1. Tostop thewheels and tines, release
6. To movethe Model630Cin reversefor
short distances:
(a) Releaseforward ClutchBail. Thenlift
Fig.4-2: Useonehandtoguidetiller when handlebaruntil tines areoff theground.
the ForwardClutchBail (all models) or the
ReverseClutchControl (Models 634Fand
634B) -- whichevercontrol is in use.
2. Tostop theengine, putthe ignition
switch and/orthethrottle control leverin
the "OFF"or "STOP"position.