
Appendix C Reloading the Firmware
PocketPro 100S Administrator’s Guide -- Document #40165-110 Rev. A C-6
from a
Windows NT
or UNIX Host
Using Master
Mode tftp
To download the print server firmware from a Windows NT or UNIX system using master mode tftp, first copy
the firmware update file to that host. Make sure that tftp is started by checking the appropriate files on your
system (on Windows NT, TCP/IP and Simple TCP/IP Services must be enabled in the Network Control Panel);
with UNIX, tftp must be enabled in your /etc/services file and possibly in another configuration file, such as
/etc/inetd.conf. Refer to your system documentation or the UNIX man pages for additional information.
To download the firmware from Windows NT/2000/XP, enter the following command:
tftp - i ipaddr put file password
The ipaddr is the IP address of the TROY print server, file is the name of the firmware update file, and password
is the print server password (ACCESS is the default password).
To download the file from most UNIX systems, enter the following commands from the UNIX system prompt:
tftp ipaddress
tftp> binary
tftp> put file password
The ipaddress is the IP address of the TROY print server, file is the name of the firmware update file, and
password is the print server password (ACCESS is the default password).