
Important Safety Instructions
TThhiiss mmaannuuaall ccoonnttaaiinnss iimmppoorrttaanntt iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss aanndd wwaarrnniinnggss tthhaatt sshhoouulldd bbee ffoolllloowweedd dduurriinngg
tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn,, ooppeerraattiioonn aanndd ssttoorraaggee ooff aallll TTrriipppp LLiittee AAPPSS SSyysstteemmss..
APS Location Warnings
Install your APS indoors, away from excess moisture or heat, dust or direct sunlight.
Your APS is NOT waterproof. Contact with water can cause the unit to short circuit
and could cause personal injury due to electric shock. Never immerse your APS.
Mount it in the driest location available.
Leave adequate space around all sides of the APS for proper ventilation.The heavier
the load of connected equipment, the more heat will be generated by the APS.
Do not install the APS near magnetic storage media, as this may result in data corruption.
Battery Connection Warnings
Your APS will not operate with or without utility power until batteries are connected.
Multiple battery systems must be made up of batteries of the same voltage, age, amp
hour capacity and type.
Keep battery location well ventilated. Explosive hydrogen gas can accumulate near
batteries if they are not kept well ventilated.
Sparks may result during final battery connection.Always observe proper polarity as
batteries are connected.
Do not allow objects to contact the two DC input terminals. Do not short or bridge
these terminals together.Serious injury to property or person could result.
Equipment Connection Warnings
Do not use Tripp Lite APS Systems in life support applications where a malfunction
or failure of a Tripp Lite APS System could cause failure or significantly alter the
performance of a life support device.
Do not alter the cord of your APS in a way that would eliminate its connection to
ground. Do not use adapters that would eliminate the APS’s connection to ground.
Connect the input cord of your APS to a properly grounded, 3-wire, 120V 60 Hz
power receptacle. Do not plug your APS into itself; this may damage the unit and will
void your warranty.
Do not connect a surge suppressor, line conditioner or UPS to the output of the APS.
Operation Warnings
Your APS does not require routine maintenance. Do not open your APS for any rea-
son.There are no user-serviceable parts inside.
Potentially lethal voltages exist within this unit as long as the battery supply and/or
AC input are connected. During any service work, the battery supply and AC input
cord should therefore be disconnected.
Do not connect or disconnect batteries while the APS is operating from the battery
supply. Dangerous arcing may result.
200205002 93-2058 APS612 Manual.qxd 9/17/2002 4:53 PM Page 4