Set Configuration DIP Switches
Using a small tool, set the Configuration DIP Switches (located on the front panel, see diagram) to optimize Inverter/Charger operation
depending on your application. Refer to the appropriate section to review the instructions for your specific model.
B4 B3 B2 B1
A4 A3 A2 A1
Group B Dip Switches (Not on 612 Models)
Group A Dip Switches (All Models)
Group A DIP Switches (All Models)
Using a small tool, configure your Inverter/Charger by setting the four Group A DIP Switches (located on the front panel of your unit; see
diagram) as follows:
Resetting Your Inverter/Charger to Restore AC Power
Your Inverter/Charger may cease supplying AC power or DC charging power in order to protect itself from overload or to protect your elec-
trical system. To restore normal functioning:
Overload Reset: Switch operating mode switch to “OFF” and remove some of the connected electrical load (ie: turn off some of the AC
devices drawing power which may have caused the overload of the unit). Wait one minute, then switch operating mode switch back to either
Select Low AC Input Voltage
Point for Switching to Battery—
Voltage Position
105V #A4 Up & #A3 Up
95V #A4 Up & #A3 Down
85V #A4 Down & #A3 Up
75V #A4 Down & #A3 Down
(factory setting)
* Most of your connected appliances and equipment will perform adequately when
your Inverter/Charger's Low AC Voltage Input Point (DIP Switch #3 and #4 of
Group A) are set to 95V. However, if the unit frequently switches to battery power due
to momentary low line voltage swings that would have little effect on equipment
operation, you may wish to adjust this setting. By decreasing the Low AC Voltage
Input Point, you will reduce the number of times that your unit switches to battery
due to voltage swings.
Select Battery Type—REQUIRED
(All models)
CAUTION: The Battery Type DIP Switch setting must
match the type of batteries you connect, or your batteries
may be degraded or damaged over an extended period of
time. See “Battery Selection,” p. 7 for more information.
Battery Type Switch Position
Gel Cell (Sealed) Battery Up
Wet Cell (Vented) Battery Down (factory setting)
Select ChargerEnable/Inhibit
(750 and 1250 models only)
Switch is preset to ENABLE, which
permits continuous battery charging.
If you are connecting your unit to
batteries with a separate charger, you may set this switch to
INHIBIT to disable its built-in charger to prevent overcharging
Battery Type Switch Position
Inhibit Up
Enable Down (factory setting)
200712159 93-2768 RV Series Inverter-Charger Owner’s Manual_Eng.qxd 2/29/2008 1:55 PM Page 5