The UPS’s control panel lights will turn on in the sequences below to signal that the UPS is
having operational difficulties.
Lights (On/Flashing) and Condition Solution
On: REPLACE BATT Let the UPS system charge for at least
Condition: Replace Battery 12 hours and perform a self test using
the "ON/Test Switch" as described on
page 7. If the light continues to stay on,
contact Tripp Lite for service.
On: BATT LOW, ON BATT Prepare for imminent UPS shutdown.
Condition: Battery Low
On: BYPASS, LINE, LOAD, OVERLOAD Reduce the load the UPS supports.
Condition: On Bypass due to Overload
Flashing: OVERLOAD Remove the cause of the short circuit
Condition: Short Circuit from the UPS output.
On: FAULT, 100% Restart the UPS. If the problem persists,
Condition: Battery Voltage too High contact Tripp Lite for repairs.
On: FAULT, BYPASS, LINE, 50% Restart the UPS. If the problem persists,
Condition: On Bypass due to contact Tripp Lite for repairs.
High Output Voltage
On: FAULT, BYPASS, LINE Restart the UPS. If the problem persists,
Flashing: 50% contact Tripp Lite for repairs.
Condition: On Bypass due to
Low Output Voltage
On: FAULT, BYPASS, LINE, 25% Restart the UPS. If the problem persists,
Condition: On Bypass due to High contact Tripp Lite for repairs.
Bus Voltage
On: FAULT, BYPASS, LINE Restart the UPS. If the problem persists,
Flashing: 25% contact Tripp Lite for repairs.
Condition: On Bypass due to Low
Bus Voltage