2. Introduction
The TEW-647GA Wireless N Gaming Adapter is an high-performance, supports high-speed
wireless networking at home, at work or in public places. This bridge is also back compatible
with 802.11g or 11b devices. This means that you do not need to change your entire network to
maintain connectivity. You may sacrifice some of 11n’s speed when you mix 11n and 11b/g
devices, but you will not lose the ability to communicate when you incorporate the 11n standard
into your 11b/g network. You may choose to slowly change your network by gradually replacing
the 11b/g devices with 11n devices.
2.1. Features
• Wi‐FicompliantwithIEEE802.11nstandard
• BackwardscompatiblewithIEEE802.11gandIEEE802.11bdevices
• Connectsnetwork‐readygameconsolesincludingNintendoWii,Xbox,Xbox360,
PlayStation2andPlayStation3toa highspeedwirelessnnetwork
• Supportsonlinegamingandhead‐to‐headplay
• SupportsMultipleInputMultipleOutput(MIMO)technology
• EasysetupwithWi‐FiProtectedSetup(WPS)feature
• Maximumreliability,throughputandconnectivitywithautomaticdatarate
• Supports64/128‐bitWEP,WPA/WPA2andWPA‐PSK/WPA2‐PSK
• Lowinterferenceandhighsusceptibilityoptimizeperformance
• EasyusersetupwizardandintuitiveWebbrowserconfiguration
• Coverageofupto50metersindoor,100metersoutdoor*