TVP-221H User’s Guide
The console port uses a DB-9 RS-232 connector. The supplied straight through RS-
232 cable connects the console port of the TVP-221H to a console PC or terminal.
Task Prompt Type
Connect RS-323 Cable to TVP-221H RS-232
console port a your computer that you will use
as a configuring terminal
Open HyperTerminal and enter the following
Input Parameters when prompted:
Baud rate
Number of data
Parity check
Number of stop
Flow control
When HyperTerminal Screen appears type
In the event that you forget your administration
password, you can gain console access to the
TVP using the super password. The super
password is the last six digits of your MAC
address located on the bottom of your TVP (00-
50-2d-xx-xx-xx). At the Console prompt enter
the super password without hyphens. The
password is all lower case. After gaining access,
at the console prompt type in
net set user_pw <pw> <pw>
If entry of new password is successful, the
console will list “OK, USER Password
Changed”. You will now be able to gain Web
Access from a PC in the same local segment
using the TVP-221H IP Address (Only
applicable if GW and a PC are setup under a
router in the same LAN Segment). If Web and /
or Telnet Access are enabled, you will also be
able to remote access the TVP-224HR by
entering http:// followed by the WAN IP or
domain name.
When the TVP-221H is directly connected to the
ADSL / Cable Modem and remote access to the
TVP-221H is not possible because you do not
have an second line for Internet Access, it
becomes difficult to verify that the TVP-221H
has established Internet Access. In order to
confirm Internet Access, at the console prompt:
Enter ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
The following dialogue indicates that Internet
Access is successful. (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is a know
public IP)