Protocol Filters
This screen enables you to allow and deny access based upon a communications
protocol list you create. The protocol filter profiles are listed in the table at the
bottom of the page.
Note: When selecting items in the table at the bottom, click anywhere in the item.
The line is selected, and the fields automatically load the item's parameters, which
you can edit.
Enable: Click to enable or disable the Protocol filter.
Name: Type the name of the user to be denied access.
Protocol: Select a protocol (TCP or UDP) to use for the virtual server.
Port Range: Type the port range of the protocol.
Add: Click to add the protocol filter to the table at the bottom of the screen.
Update: Click to update information for the protocol filter if user have selected a
list item and have made changes.
Delete: Select a list item and click Delete to remove the item from the list.
New: Click “New” to erase all fields and enter new information.