© Copyright 2013 TRENDnet. All Rights Reserved.
TRENDnet User’s Guide
5. PPTP or Russian PPTP
Type (Dynamic IP or Static IP)
My IP Address: _____. _____._____._____
Subnet Mask:_____. _____._____._____
Gateway:_____. _____._____._____
Server IP: _____. _____._____._____
PPTP Account: ________________
PPTP Password: ________________
Retype Password: ________________
6. L2TP or Russia L2TP
Type (Dynamic IP or Static IP)
My IP Address: _____. _____._____._____
Subnet Mask:_____. _____._____._____
Gateway:_____. _____._____._____
Server IP: _____. _____._____._____
L2TP Account: ________________
L2TP Password: ________________
Retype Password: ________________
7. Russia PPPoE
Type (Dynamic IP or Static IP)
User Name: _________
Password: ________________
Verify Password: ________________
IP Address: ____. _____._____._____ (e.g.
Hardware Installation
1. Verify that you have an Internet connection when connecting your computer directly
to your modem.
2. Turn off your modem.
3. Disconnect the Network cable from your computer to your modem.
4. Using a Network cable, connect the gigabit Internet port on the router to your
5. Using another Network cable, connect your computer to one of the four gigabit LAN
ports on the router.