TPL-4052E User’s Guide Powerline Utility
© Copyright 2013 TRENDnet. All rights reserved.
Local Device
All Powerline Adapters connected to
the same network as your computer
will be listed here.
The default device name is main chip
number, followed by the MAC address
and rmware version number. You
can mouse over the header and adjust
column width by clicking and dragging
this cursor .
Powerline Ulity - Map View
Auto Scan
Auto Scan is selected by default. The
ulity will scan for remote devices in
specic intervals (default: 2 sec, you
can change it from 2 to 60 secs).
Auto scan can be disabled by
deselecng it. Remote adapters can be
scanned manually by clicking the Scan
buon below.
Network Type
The default network type is public.
When the network name is customized
and changed, it becomes private.
Manually scan remote Powerline
devices which has same network name
Add Device
Add remote Powerline Adapter
Remote Devices
These are Powerline Adapters in
remote locaons connected to a
selected local Powerline Adapter on
the electrical system.
You can mouse over the header and
adjust the column width by clicking
and dragging this cursor to see more
Enter device DPW here. You can
manage the remote adapter if
only you enter the DPW.
Manage your device
Highlight a device by
clicking the row and click
buons below
Change device name
to meaningful names
such as “living room”
*DPW (Device Password) is shown on device label
** TPL-4052E has a Power Save Mod. The device seng can only be changed when the device is acve.
To keep remote Powerline Adapter in an acve state, you can power cycle the device or connect it to a
network device, such as a router or a computer.