Attach the rod guides to the outer holes in the servo horn with the 3mm
nylon locknuts. Note that the rod guide points up on the long end and
down on the short end of the servo horn.
Locate the throttle rod, the brake rod, (4) screw collars, (5) 3mm grub
screws, the short piece of fuel tubing, the brake cam, (1) 3x6mm flat
metal washer, and the spring.
Assemble the throttle linkage as shown.
Insert the 3mm grub screws into
the four screw collars
Locate the throttle/brake servo horn, (2) rod guides, and (2) 3mm lock-
nuts. Note: the servo is compatible with Traxxas and Futaba standard
servos. If you are using another brand of servo, use one of the universal
servo horns included with your radio system.
Turn on the radio system and test the steering setup. Notice that the
drag link’s 3x10 Caphead screws strike the inboard steering stops at full
steering throw. Adjust your radio’s end point adjustment to limit the
steering. The cap screws should firmly contact the steering stops, but
should not try to push through them. This is important to prevent excess
current draw and possible damage to the steering servo.
Long end
Short end