Power Up
Power Up Sequence
When 24 VAC power initially is
applied to the ZN510 controller, the
following sequence occurs:
1. All outputs are controlled off.
2. The controller reads all inputs
to determine their initial values.
Note: Because the space tempera-
ture can be hardwired to the con-
troller or communicated, the
controller waits for several minutes
to check for the presence of a com-
municated value.
3. A random start time is hard
coded on every board and
cannot be disabled. The board
generates a random time delay
between 0 and 25 seconds.
Once this time expires, the
power up control wait time (if
configured) will wait for 120
seconds. The power up control
wait allows ample time for a
communicated request to
arrive. If the power up control
wait time expires, and the
controller does not receive a
communicated occupancy
command, the unit assumes
stand alone operation.
4. Normal operation begins.