TRG-TRC013-EN 69
total efficiency The percentage of input power that is realized as useful work
in terms of total energy (pressure).
total pressure Sum of the velocity pressure plus static pressure.
tubeaxial fan A type of axial fan consisting of a propeller fan mounted in a
vaneaxial fan A type of axial fan with vane-type straighteners on the outlet to
improve efficiency and reduce turbulence and generated noise.
variable-pitch blade control A method of vaneaxial fan capacity control
achieved by adjusting the pitch of the fan blades.
variable-air-volume (VAV) system A type of air conditioning system that
varies the volume of constant-temperature air supplied to meet the changing
load conditions of the space.
variable-pitch vaneaxial (VPVA) fan A type of vaneaxial fan that adjusts the
pitch (angle) of its blades to match the airflow and pressure requirements of the
variable-speed drive A device used to control the capacity of a fan by varying
the speed of the motor that rotates the fan wheel.
VAV terminal unit A sheet metal assembly installed upstream of the space to
vary the quantity of air delivered to the conditioned space.
velocity pressure Pressure due to the axial movement of the air through the
wide-open airflow The point on the fan performance curve where the system
offers no resistance to airflow. The pressure generated by the fan is velocity
pressure only—the static pressure is negligible.