Service Model
Number Description
Fan-Powered Low-Height Series Units
Digit 1, 2—Unit Type
LS VariTrane low-height series fan-
Digit 3—Reheat
C Cooling Only
E Electric Heat
W Hot Water Heat
Digit 4—Development Sequence
F Sixth
Digit 5, 6—Primary Air Valve
05 5" inlet (350 cfm)
06 6" inlet (500 cfm)
08 8" inlet (900 cfm)
RT (8" x 14" inlet (1800 cfm)
Digit 7, 8—Secondary Air Valve
00 N/A
Digit 9—Fan
V 08SQ 500 nominal cfm
W 09SQ 900 nominal cfm
X 10SQ 1800 nominal cfm
Digit 10, 11—Design Sequence
K0 Sixth (factory assigned)
Digit 12, 13, 14, 15—Controls
ENON No controls, field-installed DDC/
PNON No controls, field-installed
DD00 Trane elec actuator only
DD01 DDC – cooling only
DD02 DDC – N.C. on/off water valve
DD03 DDC – prop hot water valve
DD04 DDC – on/off electric heat
DD05 DDC – pulse-width modulation
DD07 DDC – N.O. on/off water valve
DD11 LonTalk DDC Controller—
Cooling only
DD12 LonTalk DDC Controller w/ N.C.
on/off hot water control
DD13 LonTalk DDC Controller w/
proportional hot water control
DD14 LonTalk DDC Controller–on/off
electric heat control
DD15 LonTalk DDC Controller w/
pulse-width modulation electric
heat control
DD17 LonTalk DDC Controller w/ N.O.
on/off hot water control
FM00 FM customer actuator & control
FM01 FM Trane actuator w/ customer-
supplied controller
VMA2 FM Johnson controls VMA-1420
PWR1 FM Seimens 540-100 w/
GDE131.1P actuator
PWR4 FM Seimens 540-100 Trane
PWR5 FM Seimens 540-100 w/
GDE131.1U actuator
AT01 FM Automated Logic U341V+
AT02 FM Automated Logic U141V+
EI71 Analog – Series fan-powered
on/off reheat
PN00 PN – N.O. Trane pneumatic
actuator, R.A. stat
PN51 PN – N.O. PVR, duct pressure
switch, R.A. stat
PN52 PN – N.O. PVR, dual pressure
main, R.A. stat
N.C. = Normally-closed
N.O. = Normally-opened
DA Stat = Direct-acting pneumatic t-stat
(by others)
RA Stat = Reverse-acting pneumatic
t-stat (by others)
PN = Pneumatic
FM = Factory installation of customer-
supplied controller
PVR = Pneumatic Volume Regulator
Digit 16—Insulation
A 1/2" Matte-faced
B 1" Matte-faced
C 1/2" Foil-faced
D 1" Foil-faced
F 1" Double-wall
G 3/8" Closed-cell
Digit 17—Motor Type
D PSC Motor
E High-efficiency motor (ECM)
Digit 18—Motor Voltage
1 115/60/1
2 277/60/1
3 347/60/1
5 230/50/1
Digit 19—Outlet Connection
1 Flanged
2 Slip & Drive
Digit 20—Not Used
0 N/A
Digit 21—Water Coil
0 None
3 1-Row–Discharge installed, LH
4 1-Row–Discharge installed, RH
5 2-Row–DIscharge installed, LH
6 2-Row–Discharge installed, RH
Digit 22—Electrical Connections
L Left (airflow hitting you in the face)
R Right (airflow hitting you in the face)
Digit 23—Transformer
0 N/A (provided as standard)
Digit 24—Disconnect Switch
0 None
W With
Note: LSCF, LSWF – Toggle Disconnect
LSEF – Door Interlocking Power
Digit 25—Power Fuse
0 None
W With
Digit 26—Electric Heat Voltage
0 None
A 208/60/1
B 208/60/3
C 240/60/1
D 277/60/1
E 480/60/1
F 480/60/3
G 347/60/1
H 575/60/3
J 380/50/3