6.1.5 ECB Hand/OFF/Auto
General Information
The [Hand on], [Off Reset], and [Auto on] keys on the keypad control both the drive and bypass (see Figure 6.1). [Drive
Bypass] allows the user to locally select drive or bypass mode of operation. It does not necessarily start or stop the motor.
Prior to Enabling Hand/Off/Auto
Complete the start-up procedure to verify that motor rotation direction in bypass is correct and that the system is
ready in all respects for continuous full speed operation in bypass.
Programming Key Functions
For [Off Reset] and [Drive Bypass], Table 6.3 lists the parameters that select functions for the control keys. A password
protection can also be assigned in these parameters.
[Hand on] allows the user to start the motor locally from the keypad. Press the [Hand on] to start the motor locally
either in drive or bypass mode.
[Off Reset] allows the user to stop the motor locally from the keypad. Press the [Off Reset] to stop the motor
locally, either in drive or bypass mode.
[Auto on] allows the motor to be started remotely from digital input or serial communications. Press [Auto on] to
activate the remote motor start and stop from a digital input or serial communications in drive or bypass mode.
Press [Drive Bypass] to initiate the display to toggle between drive or bypass mode of operation. Press [OK] to
accept the change or [Cancel] to cancel the action.
Parameter No. Key Function
00-44 [Off Reset] This disables or enables the [Off Reset] key on keypad. (0) disabled,
(1) enabled, (2) password Default value is (1) enabled.
00-45 [Drive Bypass] This disables or enables the [Drive Bypass] key on keypad. (0)
disabled, (1) enabled, (2) password Default value is (1) enabled.
Table 6.3 keypad Control Keys Programming
6.1.6 ECB Mode of Operation
General Information
The ECB has four modes of operation: drive, bypass, auto bypass, and test. Each mode is selected through the keypad and
display. Bypass mode select can be accessed directly by pressing [Drive Bypass].
Prior to Enabling Mode of Operation
Complete the start-up procedure and verify motor rotation direction in bypass is correct and that the system is
ready in all respects for continuous full speed operation in bypass.
Press [Off Reset] to prevent operation of the motor.
Drive mode: The motor is connected to and controlled by the drive. Contactors M1 and M2 are closed while
contactor M3 is open. The motor will not run until a run command is present.
Bypass mode: The motor operates at full speed across the line when a run command is present. Contactor M3 is
closed and M1 and M2 are open.
Test mode: Test mode puts the panel into bypass mode and will automatically run in bypass. Contactor M1 is
closed, supplying power to the drive for test purposes while M2 is open. Contactor M3 controls the operation of
the motor in bypass, closed to run the motor, open to remove power. The control keys on the keypad will not
control the bypass until test mode is removed.
Electronically Controlled B...