Controls 80-120 Ton
strip for easy customer connection of
field provided controls. Fixed-on and
off timers are provided for compressor
• EVP Control consists of an interface
panel in the main unit control box and
a remote mounted control box that is
customer installed. The remote
mounted box contains the Honeywell
W7100G controller. This water chiller
controller has built in fixed-off timers
and chiller freeze protection. No
provision for periodic pumpout or lead-
lag is provided. Multiple chiller control
is not provided. There are six capacity
steps on 80-120 ton models.
Low Ambient Control Option
• Standard — Unit start-up and
operation down to approximately 40°F
at minimum compressor load.
• Low Ambient — Factory or field-
installed head pressure control damper
assembly permits operation down to
0°F by maintaining proper head
pressure. Ten minute time is standard
for protection against nuisance trips.
Standard Options
80 through 120-Ton Condensing Units
System Control Options
Select one of the three following control
options to meet your application
• Supply Air VAV includes a multi-step,
demand oriented, microprocessor-based
Honeywell W7100 discharge air
controller. W7100 control is designed for
shut-off VAV systems. Average discharge
air temperature is maintained by
modulating an economizer and if
needed, simultaneously sequencing
stages of mechanical cooling. Field
installation of the factory supplied
discharge air sensor is required.
• No System Control option does not
provide any temperature control
components. The temperature control
components are supplied by others and
specifically designed for the unit’s
application. This option includes all
compressor steps wired to a terminal
Miscellaneous Options
80 through 120-Ton Condensing Units
Select the options to meet project
• Hot Gas Bypass Valve maintains
minimum refrigerant volume through
compressor for proper motor cooling
while holding suction temperature above
the minimum during low load conditions.
When suction pressure falls below the
valve adjustable set point, the valve
modulates hot gas to the inlet of the
evaporator. Connections include ¼-inch
SAE flare connection to suction line for
external equalizer line and 115-volt
electrical connection for the integral liquid
line solenoid valve. (Note: FROSTAT is
standard on VAV units and is
recommended in place of hot gas bypass.)
• Spring Isolators — Vibration isolators
field-installed under unit to reduce
transmission of vibration to building
structure and adjacent areas.
• Pressure Gauges available for suction and
discharge for each refrigerant circuit.
Gauges mount adjacent to compressors.