Installation (Continued)
Requirements for Steam Heat (SSH_)
[ ] Install an automatic air vent at the top of the return water
coil header.
[ ] Route properly sized steam piping through the base of
the unit into the heating section.
[ ] Install the factory-supplied, 2-way modulating valve
[ ] Complete the valve actuator wiring.
[ ] Install 1/2", 15-degree swing-check vacuum breaker(s) at
the top of each coil section. Vent breaker(s) to theatmo-
sphere or merge with return main at discharge side of
steam trap.
[ ] Position the steam trap discharge at least 12" below the
outlet connection on the coil.
[ ] Use float and thermostatic traps in the system, as re-
quired by the application.
O/A Pressure Sensor and Tubing Installation
(All units with Statitrac)
[ ] O/A pressure sensor mounted to the roof bracket.
[ ] Factory supplied pneumatic tubing installed between the
O/A pressure sensor and the connector on the vertical
[ ] Field supplied pneumatic tubing connected to the proper
fitting on the space pressure transducer located in the
filter section, and the other end routed to a suitable sens-
ing location within the controlled space.
Figure 3-6A
Condensate Drain Locations