(15 Ton)
Table PD-15 — 15 Ton Downflow Three Phase Heating Capacities (Net) WC*180B3, B4, BW At 6000 CFM
Integrated Heating Capacity (MBh/1000) Total Power in Kilowatts At
At Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temp. Indicated Indoor Dry Bulb Temp.
F. 60 70 75 80 60 70 75 80
-8 59.4 58.3 57.9 57.7 12.02 12.65 13.11 13.64
-3 65 63.9 63.6 63.4 12.05 12.78 13.27 13.84
2 70.9 69.9 69.5 69.3 12.09 12.9 13.42 14.01
7 77.3 76.3 75.9 75.6 12.15 13.02 13.57 14.19
12 84.3 83.1 82.7 82.3 12.24 13.16 13.74 14.39
17 91.6 90.4 89.8 89.4 12.34 13.32 13.92 14.6
22 99.3 98 97.3 96.8 12.47 13.51 14.13 14.83
27 107.5 105.9 105.2 104.6 12.62 13.71 14.36 15.09
32 116 114.2 113.4 112.7 12.8 13.94 14.61 15.36
37 124.5 122.5 121.6 120.7 13 14.18 14.88 15.64
42 133.3 131 130 129 13.22 14.44 15.16 15.94
47 165.5 162.5 161.1 159.8 14.04 15.35 16.12 16.94
52 176.4 173.1 171.5 170 14.32 15.68 16.46 17.29
57 187.7 184 182.3 180.5 14.63 16.03 16.82 17.66
62 198.5 193.7 197 195 14.82 16.19 17.2 18.05
67 210.5 205.4 202.8 200.3 15.24 16.64 17.42 18.24
72 222.7 217.1 214.3 211.5 15.67 17.1 17.88 18.71
For other airflow conditions, see heating capacity correction factor (Table PD-18).
Net Heating Capacity and Power Input include indoor fan heat at nominal cfm and .35 inch ESP. To obtain net
heating at other conditions, subtract fan heat at this condition and add fan heat at new condition.
Heating capacities and powers are integrated to include the effects of defrost in the frost region.
All heating capacities and power (Kw) are at 70% OD relative humidity.