BAS-APG001-EN 19
Chapter 2
This chapter provides considerations that must be given prior to
installing an engineered smoke control system. The pre-installation
considerations are:
• Zone operating modes
• Associated equipment
• Equipment supervision
• System testing
• Alarm response
• Automatic smoke control matrix
• Response times
The local AHJ must approve the proposed system before installation
Zone operating modes
Zone operating modes are a pre-installation consideration. The design of
a building smoke control system is the responsibility of the building
architects and engineers. In the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) publication NFPA 101 (NFPA 2003, Life Safety Code), chapter
11.8 provides general high rise building requirements. Chapter 12–42
provides high-rise building requirements based on type of occupancy.
Both chapters may apply to a specific building.
Understanding the smoke control system operating modes enables the
effective layout of system controls. One of four operating modes governs
each zone: normal, alarm, adjacent, or unaffected.
In this chapter, the application of the smoke control system as a
zoned system is for general practice and conforms to national
codes and publications. In all cases, the local authority having
jurisdiction (AHJ) has the authority to modify requirements.