• Communication capabilities: several
communication levels are provided:
— local, through a PC workstation
keyboard. Summit can be
programmed to send messages to
local or remote workstations and
or a pager in the following cases:
— Analog parameter exceeding a
programmed value.
— Maintenance warning.
— Component failure alarm.
— Critical alarm messages. In this
latter case, the message is
displayed until the operator
acknowledges the receipt of the
information. From the remote
station it is also possible to access
and modify the chiller plant’s
control parameters.
• Remote communication through a
modem: As an option, a modem can
be connected to communicate the
plant operation parameters through
voice grade phone lines.
The remote terminal is a PC
workstation equipped with a modem
and software to display the remote
plant parameters.
Chiller-Tower Optimization
Tracer Summit
optimization extends Adaptive Control
to the rest of the chiller plant. Chiller-
tower optimization is a unique control
algorithm for managing the chiller and
cooling-tower subsystem. It considers
the chiller load and real-time ambient
conditions, then optimizes the tower
setpoint temperature to maximize the
efficiency of the subsystem.
Integrated Comfort
System (ICS)
The onboard Tracer chiller controller is
designed to be able to communicate
with a wide range of building
automation systems. To take full
advantage of the capabilities of the
chiller, incorporate your chiller into a
Tracer Summit building automation
But the benefits do not stop at the
chiller plant. At Trane, we realize that all
energy used in your cooling system is
important. That is why we worked
closely with other equipment
manufacturers to predict the energy
required by the entire system. We
used this information to create
patented control logic for optimizing
the HVAC system efficiency.
The building owner’s challenge is to tie
components and applications expertise
into a single reliable system that
provides maximum comfort, control
and efficiency. Trane’s Integrated
systems (ICS) are a concept
that combines system components,
controls and engineering applications
expertise into a single, logical and
efficient system. These advanced
controls are fully commissioned and
available on every piece of Trane
equipment, from the largest chiller to
the smallest VAV box. As a
manufacturer, only Trane offers this
universe of equipment, controls and
factory installation and verification.
Features and