Data — 60 HZ
Entering Condenser Air Temperature (Degree F)
75.0 85.0 95.0 105.0 115.0
LWT Percent Capacity System Capacity System Capacity System Capacity System Capacity System
(Deg F) Glycol (Tons) KW EER (Tons) KW EER (Tons) KW EER (Tons) KW EER (Tons) KW EER
20 28 37.2 50.1 8.9 35.3 55.0 7.7 33.4 60.7 6.6 31.3 67.2 5.6 29.2 74.6 4.7
25 24 41.6 51.3 9.7 39.6 56.4 8.4 37.4 62.2 7.2 35.2 68.8 6.1 32.9 76.3 5.2
30 19 46.4 52.6 10.6 44.1 57.8 9.2 41.8 63.8 7.9 39.4 70.6 6.7 36.8 78.2 5.7
35 14 51.4 54.0 11.4 48.9 59.3 9.9 46.4 65.4 8.5 43.7 72.3 7.3 41.0 80.1 6.1
40 0 57.2 55.6 12.3 54.5 61.1 10.7 51.7 67.3 9.2 48.8 74.4 7.9 45.8 82.2 6.7
42 0 59.2 56.2 12.7 56.5 61.7 11.0 53.6 68.0 9.5 50.6 75.1 8.1 47.5 83.0 6.9
44 0 61.4 56.8 13.0 58.5 62.3 11.3 55.6 68.7 9.7 52.5 75.9 8.3 49.3 83.8 7.1
45 0 62.5 57.1 13.1 59.6 62.7 11.4 56.6 69.1 9.8 53.4 76.2 8.4 50.2 84.2 7.2
46 0 63.6 57.4 13.3 60.6 63.0 11.5 57.6 69.4 9.9 54.4 76.6 8.5 51.1 84.6 7.2
48 0 65.8 58.0 13.6 62.7 63.7 11.8 59.6 70.2 10.2 56.3 77.4 8.7 52.9 85.4 7.4
50 0 68.0 58.6 13.9 64.9 64.4 12.1 61.7 70.9 10.4 58.3 78.2 8.9 54.8 86.3 7.6
55 0 73.8 60.3 14.7 70.4 66.1 12.8 66.9 72.8 11.0 63.3 80.2 9.5 59.6 88.4 8.1
60 0 79.7 62.0 15.4 76.1 68.0 13.4 72.4 74.8 11.6 68.5 82.4 10.0 64.5 90.7 8.5
Entering Condenser Air Temperature (Degree F)
75.0 85.0 95.0 105.0 115.0
LWT Percent Capacity System Capacity System Capacity System Capacity System Capacity System
(Deg F) Glycol (Tons) KW EER (Tons) KW EER (Tons) KW EER (Tons) KW EER (Tons) KW EER
20 28 28.5 39.7 8.6 27.1 43.4 7.5 25.6 47.7 6.4 24.1 52.6 5.5 22.5 58.2 4.6
25 24 31.9 40.5 9.4 30.4 44.3 8.2 28.7 48.7 7.1 27.1 53.8 6.0 25.3 59.5 5.1
30 19 35.6 41.4 10.3 33.9 45.3 9.0 32.1 49.8 7.7 30.3 55.0 6.6 28.4 60.7 5.6
35 14 39.5 42.4 11.2 37.7 46.4 9.7 35.8 51.0 8.4 33.8 56.2 7.2 31.7 62.0 6.1
40 0 44.1 43.5 12.2 42.1 47.6 10.6 40.0 52.3 9.2 37.8 57.6 7.9 35.5 63.5 6.7
42 0 45.7 43.9 12.5 43.6 48.0 10.9 41.5 52.7 9.4 39.2 58.1 8.1 36.9 64.1 6.9
44 0 47.4 44.3 12.8 45.3 48.4 11.2 43.0 53.2 9.7 40.7 58.6 8.3 38.3 64.6 7.1
45 0 48.2 44.5 13.0 46.1 48.7 11.4 43.8 53.5 9.8 41.5 58.9 8.5 39.0 64.9 7.2
46 0 49.1 44.7 13.2 46.9 48.9 11.5 44.6 53.7 10.0 42.2 59.1 8.6 39.8 65.2 7.3
48 0 50.8 45.1 13.5 48.6 49.3 11.8 46.2 54.2 10.2 43.8 59.6 8.8 41.2 65.7 7.5
50 0 52.6 45.5 13.9 50.2 49.8 12.1 47.8 54.7 10.5 45.3 60.2 9.0 42.7 66.3 7.7
55 0 57.1 46.6 14.7 54.6 51.0 12.9 52.0 56.0 11.2 49.3 61.5 9.6 46.5 67.7 8.2
60 0 61.8 47.7 15.5 59.1 52.2 13.6 56.4 57.3 11.8 53.5 63.0 10.2 50.5 69.2 8.8
Table PD-8— 60 Ton — CGAF-C60
Table PD-7— 50 Ton — CGAF-C50
1. Data based on 0.0001 fouling factor at sea level.
2. Interpolation between points is permissible.
3. Extrapolation beyond points is not permissible.
4. EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio (Btu/watt-hour). Power inputs include compressors, water temperatures below 40°F.
5. Ratings based on evaporator drop of 10°F
condenser fans and control power
6. Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 550/590-98.
7. Minimum recommended ethylene glycol percentage used for leaving water temperatures below 40°F.
8. Use the following equation to calculate COP values at other than ARI conditions, COP = EER x .2928.
(50–60 Ton)
Full Load
Table PD-9 — Coefficient of Performance (COP) and
Integrated Part Load Values (IPLV) at ARI Conditions
Tons Model Number IPLV COP
10 CGA120B
12.3 2.9
15 CGA180B 12.9 2.8
20 CGAF-C20 14.8 2.8
25 CGAF-C25 14.6 2.8
30 CGAF-C30 13.9 2.8
40 CGAF-C40 14.9 2.8
50 CGAF-C50 14.5 2.8
60 CGAF-C60 15.0 2.8
1. Integrated Part Load Values are EERs in (Btu/watt-hour).
2. CGA120B1 - Single Phase IPLV = 11.4, COP = 2.7