Summary of BACnet Objects
c : Object_Name property is writable only for Room Temperature (AV7).
d : Present_Value and Out_of_Service properties are writable for every MV objects except Heating Valve Status (MV26), Cooling
Valve Status (MV27), Fan Status (MV28), and Effective Occupancy (MV33)
Footnotes for rooftop units and heat pumps
e: The following AV’s are defined as read only. When Out_of_Service properties is set to true, the Present_Value, if written,
is not derived to the application level of the thermostat.
- Room Humidity (AV11)
- PI Heating Demand (AV20)
- PI Cooling Demand (AV21)
- Economizer Output (AV22)
- Eff Reset Humidification RH Spt (AV96)
- Humidifier Output (AV101)
f: Object_Name property is writable for 1 object only: Room_Temperature (AV7).
List of Proprietary Properties
Configuration Objects for Fan Coils
The following objects and group objects listed in Table 2, p. 8 should be typically used for
configuration purposes:
• General Options 1 Group GRP 45 and its complete list of objects
• General Options 2 Group GRP 55 and its complete list of objects
• Output Configuration Options Group GRP 74 and its complete list of objects
Configuration Objects for Rooftop and Heat Pump Units
The following objects and group objects listed in Table 2, p. 8 should be typically used for
configuration purposes:
• General Options 1 Group GRP 46 and its complete list of objects
• General Options 2 Group GRP 58 and its complete list of objects
• Programmable Model Configuration Options Group GRP 69 and its complete list of objects
• Stages Configuration Options Group GRP 72 and its complete list of objects;
• Economizer Model Configuration Option Group GRP 76 and its complete list of objects;
• Heatpump Model Configuration Option Group GRP 81 and its complete list of objects;
• Dehumidification Model Configuration Option Group GRP 87 and its complete list of objects;
• Humidification Model Configuration Option Group GRP 94 and its complete list of objects;
Table 5. Proprietary Properties
Property Name ID BACnet Data Type Description
Major_Version 1000 CharacterString The version number of the BACnet communications
module. This the hardware version number
MS/TP_Address 1001 Unsigned Display the MAC layer address of the module
MS/TP_Baud_Rate 1002 Unsigned Display the communication baud rate of the module
Sensor_Offset 1005 REAL Display the temperature or humidity calibration value. The
range is –5.0 deg F to 5.0 deg F for a temperature and –
15% to 15% for humidity.