18-HD64D1-1 5
Temperature Sensing Considerations
Wireless Reception Considerations
Removing Sub-Base Wall Plate
The thermostat sensor is designed for installation
in climate controlled living spaces. It is recom-
mended to place the sensor in central locations
with good circulation. Avoid exterior walls and ar-
eas near windows, doors, vents or concealed pipes
or chimneys.
If enabling wireless, choose a mounting location that ensures adequate signal strength.
A wireless device may have significantly different signal strengths if its position chang-
es relative to other wireless devices. If the thermostat shows poor signal strength, you
may be able to improve the signal strength by moving the thermostat a short distance
in any direction.
Considerations to Maximize Signal Strength:
Do not mount the thermostat • more than 30 feet from the wireless router (through no more than three
interior walls).
Do not mount the thermostat in areas where • electromagnetic emissions from other devices, appliances
or wiring can interfere with the thermostat’s communication. (i.e. wireless phones, security systems, wire-
less internet cameras)
Do not mount the thermostat in • recessed areas, near metal objects, or near structures. (i.e. doors, appli-
ances, entertainment centers or shelving units)
Do not mount the thermostat closer than • 2 inches to any pipes, duct work, or other metal obstructions.
Do not have • metal obstructions, concrete or brick walls between the thermostat and the wireless router
it will be connected to.
NOTE: See the User’s Guide for wireless setup information (weather, multi-system and remote software up-
date functionality).
Remove sub-base plate from the thermostat by in-
serting a small flat blade screwdriver into the notch
at each of the four tabs as shown.
Gently pry the sub-base away from the the thermo-
NOTE: This tight fit is normal and ensures that the
thermostat is held securely to the sub-base when
mounted on the wall.
[1.5 METERS]
Section 3. Physical Installation