Refer to section 11.3.3 for more information regarding programmable pointer
registers and their configuration.
10.7 Register Access Notes
This section contains some helpful notes and reminders that further detail the
interface unit and drives’ behavior.
• Remember that drive registers and Modbus registers are offset by 1.
Accessing the lowest valid Modbus register (0x0001) will access drive register
• The data values written to ASD registers that are configured as scan registers
are not checked for range. Therefore, if a value outside the valid range of
adjustment for a “write” scan register is written, the write will be acknowledged
by the ETH-100, but the drive will not accept the invalid value.
• All register writes use the drive’s RAM / EEPROM data write (“W”) command
except for those registers configured to be “write” scan registers, which use
the drive’s RAM data write (“P”) command. For all writes that target the
drive’s EEPROM, be sure to follow Toshiba’s guidelines regarding the number
of times a specific register can be written without risk of EEPROM damage.
• For those drive families which do not have an explicit FREQUENCY MODE
corresponding to the common serial channel (i.e. S7 and S9), remember that
bits #14 and #15 of the communication command register (drive register
0xFA00) must be set to enable network frequency and network commands,
• For safety, when a new “write” scan register is entered, the ETH-100 will set
that register’s initial local value to 0.
• Attempting to access a programmable pointer register that has not been
configured with a register value (i.e. the “Points To…” field shows up blank on
the configuration web page) will result in a Modbus 02 exception (ILLEGAL