Basic Operations
Options Available from the Contacts List
You can perform the following operations if you press J (Options)
from the Contacts list.
◆ View: Displays the details screen for one entry.
◆ Search by: Allows you to search for an entry in the Contacts
◆ Create Contact: Allows you to add a new entry to the Contacts
◆ Edit: Displays the edit screen for one entry.
◆ Delete: Deletes one or all Contacts list entries.
◆ Select Multi: Allows you to select multiple Contacts list entries
and you can perform each of the Delete, Copy, Move and Send
vCard operations on multiple Contacts list entries
◆ Send vCard: Converts a Contacts list entry to vCard format
and sends it.
◆ Memory Card: Displays a list of Contacts list entries in the
memory card.
◆ Phone/SIM: Displays a list of Contacts list entries in the phone
and SIM card.
◆ Sort by: Allows you to change the order that entries appear.
You can select a sort option from First Name PinYin, First
Name, Last Name PinYin, Last Name or Display Name.
◆ Category Filter: Displays the Contacts list entries of the
selected category.
Setting the Contacts List
You can set the default storage place and scroll speed.
1. In standby mode, press @.
The main menu appears.
2. Call Manager Settings
◆ Default Storage: Allows you to preset the default storage
place for new Contacts list entries. An indicator ( / / ) at
the top of the Contacts list screen indicates the storage place
for entries.
◆ Scroll Speed: Allows you to set the speed for scrolling up and
down in the Contacts list.