Users Manual TOPAS900 Flash V2.1
HWU Elektronik Oberhausen Page 18
In case of a direct start C-Spy will open a desktop with “File”-“Open” enabled. An
executable file can be browsed then.
When starting C-Spy from the Embedded Workbench the executable file is defined by
the project file. Hence, no definite settings have to be done in addition. Clicking the
magnifying glass icon in the project bar starts the C-Spy Debugger
The C-Spy Debugger is a powerful tool for program debugging because it comprises a
platform for real-time debugging in co-operation with the Monitor on TOPAS900 Flash
board as well as an off-line, window supported controller simulator.
Consequently the user has to select between both:
• In case of a direct start of C-Spy and trying to load an executable, a window named
“Session Options” comes up in which “ST900” or “RT900” can be selected.
Choose ST900 for invoking the simulator or RT900 to select the download to Monitor
• In case of using the Embedded Workbench, before clicking the magnifying glass icon,
in the “Project” menu the “Options...” have to be selected to adjust the debugger.
Choose C-Spy from the “Category” and “Simulator” or “ROM-Monitor” to preset
C-Spy. Then click the magnifying glass to invoke C-Spy.
In both modes the following C-Spy desktop is displayed. When coming up only the
report window is displayed. All other windows can be opened on request and tiled like
shown (Toolbar, Window).
4.1.3. C-Spy ROM-Monitor
The C-Spy ROM-Monitor is installed by default on TOPAS900 Flash board. For re-
programming the on-board (external) flash memory with this monitor please refer to
section 5.2. The yellow led does not flash in opposite to the Toshiba ROM monitor when
the ROM monitor is executing. The speed of serial connection is 38400 baud This is very
important to know when recompiling projects for the debugging environment. The Intel-
hex file containing this monitor is IAR.h20.
4.1.4. IAR Tools Limitations
• The Demo version of the ICCT900 compiler does not support the -A and -a options.
• The Demo version of the ICCT900 compiler has a code size limit of 4K compiled
• The Demo version of the AT900 assembler has a code size limit of 4K assembled
• The Demo version of the EWT900 workbench has a code size limit of 4K linked code.
• The Demo version of the EWT900 workbench does not include the command line
versions of the assembler and compiler.
• Use the supplied project file: <installation root>\t900\demo.prj to generate demo files
for C-SPY simulator and ROM-monitor.