3C10-3C13 TIFF analysis error Ask the sender to resend the E-mail with attached files that are
the TIFF format.
3C20-3C22 TIFF compression
Ask the sender to resend the E-mail with attached TIFF files in
the MH, MR, MMR, or JPEG compression.
3C30-3C32 TIFF resolution error Ask the sender to resend the E-mail with attached TIFF files
whose resolution is either 200 x 100, 200 x 200, 200 x 400, 300
x 300, or 400 x 400 dpi.
3C40-3C42 TIFF paper size error Ask the sender to resend the E-mail with attached TIFF files
that can be printed on the paper available for this equipment.
3C50-3C52 Offramp transmission
Ask the sender to specify the correct fax numbers and resend
the E-mail.
3C60-3C62 Offramp security error Confirm the fax numbers that are specified in the received
offramp gateway job and ask the sender to resend the E-mail
with correct fax numbers.
3C70 Power failure Confirm the job is recovered or not. If not, ask the sender to
resend the E-mail.
3D10 Destination address
Ask your administrator whether the DNS and mail server set-
tings are correctly set. If they are correctly set, ask the sender to
confirm the destination address is correct.
3D20 Exceeding maximum
offramp destinations
Ask the sender to specify up to 40 destinations for one offramp
gateway job. The equipment cannot perform the offramp gate-
way transmission for more than 40 destinations.
3D30 Fax unit is not installed Make sure the Fax unit is installed, or connected correctly.
3E10 POP3 server commu-
nication error
Ask your administrator that the POP3 server address is cor-
rectly set, or the POP3 server works properly. Check if the SSL
setting and the port number of SSL correspond to those of the
SSL server.
3E20 POP3 server commu-
nication timeout
Ask your administrator that the POP3 server works properly and
the LAN cable is connected to the server.
3E30 POP3 login error Ask your administrator that the POP3 user name and password
is set correctly.
3E40 POP3 login type error Ask your administrator if the login types (Auto, POP3, APOP) to
the POP3 server are correct.
3F00, 3F10,
3F20, 3F30,
File I/O error Ask the sender to resend the E-mail. If the error still occurs,
contact your service representative.
Error code Problem What to do