SECTION lOO-816-201
MARCH 1993
IMDU: Remote Maintenance Modem Interface
Unit (STRATA DK16 only)-A subassembly
installed on a PIOU or PIOUS PCB in the op-
tional DK16 Expansion Key Service Unit that
allows the system to be connected with a remote
maintenance/administration terminal.
KCDU: CO Line/Digital Telephone Interface Unit
(STRATA DK16 only)-Optional printed circuit
board providing two loop start CO line circuits
and four digital telephone circuits that can be
installed in the Expansion Unit. The digital tele-
phone circuits support the same devices as the
PDKU except for the DDSS console.
KCOU: CO Line Interface Unit (STRATA DK16
only)-Factory-installed printed circuit board that
comes standard with the Base Key Service Unit
to provide four loop start CO line circuits. Avail-
able as a spare unit for field replacements.
KFCU: (STRATA DK16 only) Option feature car-
tridge that plugs into the Base Unit to provide
feature upgrades to DK16.
KPSU16: (STRATA DK16 only) Power supply that
comes factory-installed in the Base Key Service
Unit. This power supply provides power to the
entire system, in its standard and expanded
configurations. Available as a spare unit for field
K4RCU: (STRATA DK16 only) Optional unit that
can be installed in the Base Key Service Unit to
provide a 4-circuit Dual-tone Multi-frequency
receiver for CO lines and standard telephones.
It also provides busy tone detection for Auto
Busy Redial.
KSTU: Standard Telephone Interface Unit
(STRATA DK16 only)-Optional printed circuit
board that can be installed in the Base Key
Service Unit to provide four standard telephone
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display-Display used for
messaging, identification, and status that ap-
pears on some digital and electronic telephones.
LED: Light Emitting Diode-Status indicators lo-
cated on printed circuit boards, digital telephones,
and electronic telephones.
LSI: Large Scale Integration-Related to circuit
design technology. STRATA DK8 and STRATA
DK16 printed circuit boards use LSI circuit de-
MDF: Main Distribution Frame-The wiring frame
usually located in a phone closet.
MDFB: Door Phone Box-A peripheral two-way
speaker box option. Each MDFB connects to a
DDCB. A DDCB can support as many as three
OCA: Off-hook Call Announce.
PBX: Private Branch Exchange-lndustry-stan-
dard term which refers to a telephone switch,
usually on-premises, which serves an individual
company, and is connected to a public tele-
phone exchange through the CO.
PCB: Printed Circuit Board.
PCM: Pulse Code Modulation-A widely used
form of digital telephone switching.
PCOUl: CO Line Interface Unit (STRATA DK16
only)-A printed circuit board that can be in-
stalled in the optional Expansion Key Service
Unit to provide the system with four loop start
CO lines circuits.
PCOU2: (STRATA DK16 only) The PCOU2 is a
direct replacement for the PCOUl. Their fit/
form/function is identical; however, for manu-
facturing reasons, the PCOUl was phased out
in favor of the PCOU2.
PDIU-DVPDIU-D12: Integrated Data Interface
Unit-Replaces the normal digital telephone
base to enable the telephone to transmit and
receive data between a terminal/personal com-
puter connected to the telephone and data
devices connected to other PDIU-Dls, or to
modems, printers, and computers connected to