SECTION 100-816-302
7.37 Program 54-LCR Route Definition: The
purpose of this program is to define four different
ways of routing calls for each of the eight LCR
plans. Define each route by selecting and enter-
1: CO Line Group (1 w 8): Refer to the LCR CO
Line Programming Reference Chart com-
pleted at the beginning of the LCR record
Each CO line group represents a type of
service, e.g., special common carrier,
foreign exchange, local line group, etc.
Program 16 assigns CO lines to CO
line groups 1 - 8 (81 - 88).
Program 40 denies incoming and out-
going CO line access to stations, in-
cluding LCR access.
Program 41 allows CO line access to
stations using LCR only for outgoing
calls when enabled.
2: Modified Digits Table (1 - 6): Refer to
Programs 55-0,55-l and 55-2. The system
handles CO line groups differently, accord-
ing to which modified digits table was as-
signed in Program 54.
7.40 Program 55 Series-LCR Modified Digits
7.41 This program defines six modified digits
tables for LCR call handling. Each modified digits
table assigns editing steps that include:
Deleting a pre-defined quantity of digits from
the front of the number dialed (Program 55-O).
Adding a pre-defined number to the front of the
number dialed (Program 55-l).
Adding a pre-defined number to the end of the
number dialed (Program 55-2).
7.42 The purpose of this program is to define call
handling so the route definition used by LCR is
invisible to the station user. The station user
handles all calls the same way. The goal is for
LCR to remember the dialing peculiarities of each
call route, so the user doesn’t need to know.
7.43 Program 55-O-LCR Modified Digits-De-
lete. Enter the Quantity of Digits that should be
deleted from the front of the number dialed for
each of the six Table Numbers in the Delete
Digits Table. The maximum number is ten. Al-
ways make the entry two digits.
7.44 Program 55-l -LCR Modified Digits-Add
to Front of Dialed Number. Enter the digits that
must be added to the front of the number dialed in
the Add Digits Table. The maximum quantity of
digits is 22, including pauses.
Length of pause can be indicated by using
codes (Pl - P8) specified in the Pause Entry
Reference Table. Each pause takes two digits
of memory space.
Try to allow for the longest wait, e.g., make the
pause longer, rather than shorter, to accommo-
date the length of time a carrier may need to
access the service tones, etc.
7.45 Program 55-2-LCR Modified Digits-Add
to End of Dialed Number. Enter the digits that
must be added to the end of the number dialed in
the Add Digits Table. The maximum quantity of
digits is 22, including pauses.
Length of pause can be indicated by using
codes (Pl - P8) specified in the Pause Entry
Reference Table. Each pause takes two digits
of memory space.
Try to allow for the longest wait, e.g., make the
pause longer, rather than shorter, to accommo-
date the length of time a carrier may need to
access the service tones, etc.
7.46 Program 56-LCR Station Group Assign-
ment. The purpose of this program is to assign all
defined station ports to one of four LCR Station
Station groups are completely independent of
one another. Therefore, each station group must
be defined separately.
Software does not automatically assign the
highest, all-inclusive routing priority to class i
stations, making all routes available to class 2,
3 and 4 stations available to class 1 as well.
Instead, stations are assigned to independent
groups (partitioned). Completely flexible as-
signment of routing definitions to groups is al-
lowed, with no one group’s definition affecting
another’s. Each group’s route definitions are
specified to activate separately according to the
time schedules set by Program 53.
1: Enter the station group number next to the
port number.