
14.1 Edit Screen
14- 2
14.1 Edit Screen
The Edit screen will appear when setting commodity names, department names, ingredient, nutrition
facts, recipe, grade lines, store messages, store name, address, vendors, etc. It can be used like a PC
Key Functions
Key Function
Alphanumeric keys Used to input alphabets, numbers, and symbols.
Shift (upper/lower) Used to switch the case between the upper cases and the lower cases.
Bold/Normal Used to switch the font style between normal and bold face.
Font style is not changed per character, but per line.
Insert/Overwrite Used to switch the typing mode between the insert and overwrite.
Space Used to insert a space.
Back space Used to delete the character in front of the cursor.
ENTER Used to add another line.
Used to move the cursor.
Del. Used to delete the selected character.
EURO Sign 1
EURO Sign 2
Used to show European characters or symbols.
Euro Sign 1 Euro Sign 2
Cancel Used to cancel the entry.
Copy Used to choose the character(s) to be copied. Touch this key when the cursor
is on the first and last characters of the copy range.
Paste Used to paste the copied characters to the position of the cursor.
Idiom Used to call the idiom list (list of frequently used words)
EURO Sign 1
EURO Sign 2
Alphanumeric keys
Specified Code
Back Space key
Enter key
Cursor keys
Idiom key
Paste key
Copy key
Cancel key
Del. key
Space key
Insert/Overwrite key
Bold/Normal key
Shift key