CU111 Specifications
Connecting the RS232C/RS485 multi-drop adapter (CU111) to the T1’s programmer port, you
can use the RS485 computer link function.
By this function, long-distance and one -to- N communications become available.
(1)Function specification
Item Specification
Connection RS232C DIN - 8pin (T1 programmer port connector)
RS485 Removable terminal block 6pin
Length of T1 connection cable 30cm
Status LEDs 3 (Refer to the following table)
Isolation Non isolation between RS232C and RS485
Power Supply 5Vdc from T1 main unit
Current consumption 75mA
30mm(W) × 90mm(H) × 75mm(D) (except cable)
(2)Transmission specification
Item Specification
Interface Conforms to RS232C (T1 side)
Conforms to RS485 (Host side)
Transmission distance 30cm (between T1 and adapter)
Max. 1km (RS485 )
Transmission speed 9600 bps
Framing Start bit 1bit (Fixed)
Dta bit 8bits (Fixed)
Parity Odd parity/ Non (automatic detection)
Stop bit 1bit (Fixed)
Number of stations Max. 32
(3)RS485 transmission cable
Shieled twisted cable which conforms to the RS485, should be used for communication
cable. It’s recommended that 0.9mm diameter or more, 3 pairs or more cables are used.
(4)Operation Status LEDs
Name Direction LED Status
(color) Lit Not Lit
5V power is normal and
connected to T1
5V power is not normal.
Host → T1
Data receiving
(RXD = 0)
Data not receiving
(RXD = 1)
T1 → Host
Data transmitting
(TXD = 0)
Data not transmitting
(TXD = 1)