Getting Started
Navigation and features
Home screen
The total number of available Home screens is five. Move between
screens by swiping your finger to the left or right.
(Sample Image) 5 available Home screens
Your device’s five home screens have several standard features,
including icons and a customizable background pattern (wallpaper).
The wallpaper image spans the width of all five Home screens.
The middle screen is your Central Home screen and the starting
point after your device has been set up. However, your device will
return to the last home screen viewed each time you wake up your
device from Sleep mode. Touch the Home button to return to the
central Home screen.
Battery status icon Located in the System bar. Displays the status of the
battery charge.
Customize button Touch to Customize your Home screens.
Voice recognition
Touch to perform a voice-enabled search.
Google Search bar Touch to perform a search using the keyboard.
Icon Name Description