22 G7 ASD Operation Manual
I/O and Control
The ASD can be controlled by several input types and combinations thereof, as well as operate within a
wide range of output frequency and voltage levels. This section discusses the ASD control methods and
supported I/O functions.
The Control Terminal Strip PCB (P/N 48570) supports discrete and analog I/O functions and is shown
Figure 6 on pg. 25. Table 3 lists the names, the default settings, and the descriptions of the input and
output terminals of the Control Terminal Strip PCB.
Note: To use the input control lines of the Control Terminal Strip the Command Mode
setting must be set to Use Control Terminal Strip (Program ⇒ Fundamental
Parameters ⇒ Standard Mode Selection ⇒ Command Mode ⇒ Use Control
Terminal Strip).
Figure 18 on pg. 30 shows the basic connection diagram for the G7 system.
Table 3. Control Terminal Strip default assignment terminal names and functions.
Default Function
(also see
Terminal Descriptions on pg. 23)
Circuit Config.
ST Discrete Input
Standby (jumper to CC to operate the unit) — Multifunctional
programmable discrete input (see
Installation Notes on pg. 17 for further
information on this terminal).
Figure 8 on pg. 29.
RES Discrete Input Reset — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
F Discrete Input Forward — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
R Discrete Input Reverse — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
S1 Discrete Input Preset Speed 1 — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
S2 Discrete Input Preset Speed 2 — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
S3 Discrete Input Preset Speed 3 — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
S4 Discrete Input Emergency Off — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
RR Analog Input
RR — Multifunction programmable analog input
(0.0 to 10 volt input — 0 to 80 Hz output). Reference CC.
Figure 9 on pg. 29.
RX Analog Input
RX — Multifunctional programmable analog input
(-10 to +10 VDC input — -80 to +80 Hz output). Reference CC.
Figure 10 on pg. 29.
II Analog Input
II — Multifunctional programmable analog input (4 [0] to 20 mADC
input — 0 to 80 Hz output) (see
Figure 6 on pg. 25 for the location of
the II terminal). Reference CC.
Figure 11 on pg. 29.
VI Analog Input
VI — Multifunctional programmable analog input
(0 to 10 VDC input — 0 to 80 Hz output). Reference CC.
P24 DC Output 24 VDC @ 50 mA output. Figure 12 on pg. 29.
PP DC Output PP — 10.0 VDC voltage source for the external potentiometer. Figure 13 on pg. 29.
OUT1 Discrete Output Low Frequency — Multifunctional programmable discrete output.
Figure 14 on pg. 29.
OUT2 Discrete Output Reach Frequency — Multifunctional programmable discrete output.
FP Output
Frequency Pulse — an output pulse train that has a frequency which is
based on the output frequency of the ASD.
Figure 15 on pg. 29.
AM Output
Produces an output current that is proportional to the magnitude of the
function assigned to this terminal (see
Table 7 on page 61).
Figure 16 on pg. 29
FM Output
FLC Output Fault relay (common).
Figure 17 on pg. 29.FLB Output Fault relay (N.C.).
FLA Output Fault relay (N.O.).
CC — Control common (Do Not connect to Earth Gnd).
Discrete Input Terminals ⇒ Connect to CC to activate.
Analog Input Terminals reference CC.