72 Network Operator’s Guide — Managing Mailboxes
Managing Mailboxes
NOTE: • Mailboxes can be managed only when the optional Fax unit is installed.
SUPPLEMENT: • Mailboxes can be managed using the Touch Panel Display. See the Operator’s
Manual for Facsimile Function.
This equipment supports the ITU-T compatible mailboxes that allow storage and retrieval of
documents via mailboxes that are already set up in a mailbox hub.
The following three types of Mailboxes are available:
Confidential mailbox
The Confidential Box allows a one-time document retrieval from the mailbox. Once a document
is retrieved, it is cleared. If a new document is sent to the same box number where another docu-
ment is stored, it is added to the existing box. You can also set up a password requirement for
accessing the Confidential Box for document retrieval, to prevent unauthorized retrieval of doc-
Bulletin Board mailbox
The Bulletin Board Box allows multiple document retrievals from the same mailbox. Once a
document is retrieved, it is not cleared. If a new document is sent to the same Box, it replaces the
existing one. You can set up a password requirement for accessing the Bulletin Board Box for
document reservation.
Forward mailbox
The Forward mailbox allows you to transmit a received fax to various destinations, using the fol-
lowing agents:
• Internet/Fax (Relay) agent — When a document has been sent to a mailbox, this equipment
can call up the remote Fax via the public switched telephone line, or send the Internet Fax
via the Internet according to the destinations registered in the mailbox. After the relay trans-
mission, the transmission result list will be sent specified remote Fax. It is also possible to
set up a password requirement.
• Save as file agent — The received faxes in this mailbox are forwarded to the local folder in
this equipment or network folders.
• Email agent — The received faxes in this mailbox are forwarded to the email addresses
recipients specified in the mailbox.
• Store to e-Filing agent — The received faxes in this mailbox are forwarded to the Box in this
equipment. The data stored in the Box can be printed later, and also can be managed using
the e-Filing web utility, which is a web-based utility that allows you to display, print, and
merge the files in the Box.
NOTE: • Sending and storage of documents to a mailbox hub and retrieval of documents
from a mailbox hub is possible only on an ITU-T compliant facsimile. Only ITU-T
compliant facsimiles can be used as Mailbox hubs. This equipment is provided with
mailbox hub functions.
Using TopAccess, you can set up, edit, and delete mailboxes on this equipment.
For e-STUDIO450 Series and e-STUDIO280 Series:
The Save as file agent and Email agent are available only when the Printer Kit and Scanner
Upgrade Kit are installed, or when the Printer/Scanner Kit is installed.