TOSHIBA e-STUDIO28/35/45 Unix Printer Driver
User’s Guide 42
Message Description
never appear. This is added as a
precautionary measure only if the
default printer port was not detected.
Specify path for temporary files: Prompts for new path for temporary files.
OS of remote server to connect to
1 – Sun SunOS/Solaris
2 – HP UX
4 – Red Hat Linux
Default: <platformID>
Text-mode menu for specifying the remote
server operating system.
Choose: Prompts for the ID of the remote server OS
(from the text-mode menu above.
Enable three-digit request numbers? y/N Asks whether to enable 3-digit request
numbers in HP-UX client installation
types. The default can be a Yes or No
depending on default value of the 3-digit
request numbers flag.
Default client middle script: Identifies the current default client middle
Change client middle script? y/N Asks whether to specify a different client
middle script. Default is No.
Specify client middle script? y/N Asks whether to name a client middle script
or not. Default is No. This should never
appear. This is added as a
precautionary measure only if the
default printer port was not detected.
Specify client middle script: Prompts for new client middle script.
Default middle script: Identifies the current default middle script.
Change middle script? y/N Asks whether to specify a different middle
script. Default is No.
Specify middle script? y/N Asks whether to name a middle script or
not. Default is No. This should never
appear. This is added as a
precautionary measure only if the
default printer port was not detected.
Specify middle script: Prompts for new middle script.
Default pass-thru name: Identifies the current default pass-thru
Use a different pass-thru name? y/N Asks whether to name a pass-thru name or
not. Default is No. This should never
appear. This is added as a
precautionary measure only if the
default printer port was not detected.
Specify pass-thru name: Prompts for new pass-thru name.
Installing the man pages. Status message when starting to install the
man pages.
EFTPS manpage already exists and will be
Status message when installing over an
existing CORE filter manpage.
rcutil manpage already exists and will be updated. Status message when installing over an
existsing configuration program
Installing the EFTPS manpage. Status message during actual install of
CORE filter manpage.
Installing the rcutil manpage. Status messa
e durin
actual install of