Dialed Number:
1. CO Line
CO Line Number:
1. Incoming Call or
Transferred Call
[ LINE 3 R::,i::j
Incoming Central Office (CO) call-if your station is programmed for
incoming ringing on that CO line.
Transferred CO call-CO line is transferred to your station in the ringing
state by another station.
Camped-on CO call-CO line was camped-on to your busy station and
rings your station when you hang up (X = camped-on line number 1 - 6).
2. When Call Is Answered
3. Hold
The display changes to indicate calling status
You have put a CO line call on hold at your station by pressing Cnf/Trn
2. Intercom
Door Phone/Monitor:
4. Hold Recall
[:::: :‘II:c:LL )
5. Outgoing
Held call automatically recalls your station after a programmed period of
When you manually select a CO line, it is displayed. This display is
replaced by the dialed number as you dial.
6. CO Line Queuing
When the CO line queuing feature rings back to your station with an
available CO line, that line number will be displayed.
Press the Page button to display date/time when talking on a
Central Office (CO) line (Soft Keys must be off before the call is
2. The date/time is adjusted on a system-wide basis by the station
located in port 00 (usually station IO).
Elapsed Time:
The digits are displayed as you dial over either a Central Office (CO) line
or the intercom using:
H Manual dialing
n Automatic dialing
n Repeat last number dialed
n Saved number redial
M you are calling on a CO line, the dispkry will aufomafically change from
dialed number to elapsed time after a programmed period of time.
When you call another station, its Intercom number (YY) is displayed
When you are called from a door phone, its designating characters are
When you call a door phone, its designating characters are displayed.
The door phone designators are NA, NB, and/or NC (N = 1 or 2, and
indicate which of the 6 possible door phones is calling or is being called).
While you are making an outgoing Central Office (CO) line call, the
elapsed time of the call is displayed. Elapsed time automatically replaces
the dialed number on the display after a programmed period of time.
(Timing begins when a LINE button is pressed.)
7. On a CO fine call, the display can be afternafed between date/time,
elapsed time, and dialed number by pressing the Page button
(Soff Keys must be off before the calf is started).
2. Elapsed time is displayed for 15 seconds after you hang up, and
then changes automatically to date/time.