E6581281 f
- 23 - FA07 (frequency reference from internal option PCB)
Frequency reference is set up by 0.01Hz unit and the hexadecimal number.
For example, when "Frequency reference" is set up to 80Hz, since the minimum unit is 0.01Hz,
80 / 0.01 = 8000 = 0x1F40 (Hex.) FA33 (torque reference from internal option PCB)
Torque reference is set up by 0.01% unit and the hexadecimal number.
For example, when "torque reference" is set up to 50%, since the minimum unit is 0.01%,
50 / 0.01 = 5000 = 0x1388 (Hex.) FA50 (Terminal output data from comm.)
By setting up the data of the bit 0 - 6 of terminal output data (FA50) from communication, setting data (0 or
1) can be outputted to the output terminal.
Please select the functional number 92 - 105 as the selection (f130 - f138, f168, f169) of the
output terminal function before using it.
bit Output TB function name 0 1
0 Communication data 1 (Output TB select No.: 92, 93)
1 Communication data 2 (Output TB select No.: 94, 95
2 Communication data 3 (Output TB select No.: 96, 97
3 Communication data 4 (Output TB select No.: 98, 99
4 Communication data 5 (Output TB select No.: 100, 101
5 Communication data 6 (Output TB select No.: 102, 103
6 Communication data 7 (Output TB select No.: 104, 105
7- -- FA51 (Analog output (FM) data from comm.)
The data set as the parameter FA51 can output to FM terminal.
The data adjustment range is 0 - 2047 (resolution: 11 bits).
Please select 31 (analog output for communication) as FM terminal meter selection parameter (fmsl)
before using it.
Please refer to "Meter setting and adjustment" Section of the VF-AS1/PS1 instruction manual for details. FA52 (Analog output (AM) data from comm.)
The data set as the parameter FA52 can output to AM terminal.
The data adjustment range is 0 - 2047 (resolution: 11 bits).
Please choose 31 (analog output for communication) as AM terminal meter selection parameter (amsl)
before using it.
Please refer to "Meter setting and adjustment" Section of the VF-AS1/PS1 instruction manual for details.