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2.2. DeviceNet indicator
The DEV002Z option has a two-color (red and green) LED as a means of indicating
the MNS (module/network status), which works basically in accordance with
DeviceNet specifications.
LED Status Item displayed
Off Not Powered/Not On–line
Device is not on-line.
- The DEV002Z has not completed the Dup_MAC_ID test yet.
- The DEV002Z may not be powered.
Device Operational AND
On–line, Connected
The DEV002Z is operating in a normal condition and the DEV002Z
is on-line with connections in the established state.
Device Operational AND
On–line, Not Connected
Device On–line AND
Device needs commissioning
The DEV002Z is operating in a normal condition and the DEV002Z
is on-line with no connections in the established state.
- The DEV002Z has passed the Dup_MAC_ID test, is on-line, but
has no established connections to other nodes.
- Configuration missing, incomplete or incorrect.
Minor Fault and/or
Connection Time–Out
Recoverable fault and/or one or more I/O Connections are in the
Timed-Out state.
Lights red.
Critical Fault or
Critical Link Failure
The DEV002Z has an unrecoverable fault; may need replacing.
Failed communication device. The DEV002Z has detected an error
that has rendered it incapable of communicating on the network
(Duplicate MAC ID, or Bus-off).
red and
Communication Faulted and
Received an Identify Comm
Fault Request - Long Protocol
A specific Communication Faulted device. The DEV002Z has
detected a Network Access error and is in the Communication
Faulted state.
The DEV002Z has subsequently received and accepted an Identify
Communication Faulted Request - Long Protocol message.