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g: RS-232C transmission control
0: XON/XOFF protocol
(No XON output when the power is turned on, no XOFF output when the
power is turned OFF)
1: READY/BUSY (DTR) protocol
(No XON output when the power is turned on, no XOFF output when the
power is turned OFF)
2: XON/XOFF + READY/BUSY (DTR) protocol:
(XON output when the power is turned on, XOFF output when the power is
turned OFF)
3: XON/XOFF protocol:
(XON output when the power is turned on, XOFF output when the power is
turned OFF)
4: RTS protocol
(No XON output when the power is turned on, no XOFF output when the
power is turned OFF)
h: Language for LCD messages
0: Ignore
1: Ignore
2: Ignore
3: Ignore
4: Ignore
5: Ignore
6: Ignore
i: Forward feed standby after an issue
0: Ignore
1: Ignore
j: Head up operation after a label is cut
0: Ignore
1: Ignore
k: Ribbon saving system
0: Ignore
1: Ignore
l: Type of control code
0: Automatic selection
1: ESC, LF, NUL mode
2: {, |, } mode
m: Ribbon type selection
0: Ignore
1: Ignore
n: Strip status selection
0: Ignore
1: Ignore