User’s Manual
Note 1) The special module can be designated not only by the assigned register, but
also by the mounting position. The mounting position is designated by a
constant data for the operand A as follows.
(Unit number) × 256 + (Slot number)
Slot number (hexadecimal)
Unit number (hexadecimal)
For example, if a special module is mounted on Slot-4, Unit-0 (basic unit)
and allocated to XW008 - YW011, the following two READ instructions
function the same.
[ XW008 READ RW010 → D0100 ]
[ H0004 READ RW010 → D0100 ]
Note 2) The READ instruction is not executed as error in the following cases. In
these cases, ERF (instruction error flag = S0051) is set to ON.
• When the operand A is other than a valid constant (see Note 1) or XW/YW
• When the designated special module has been disconnected.
• When no answer error occurs with the designated special module.
• When the number of words transferred exceeds 256 words.
• When the source table of transfer is out of the valid range.
• When the destination table of transfer is out of the valid range.
Unit number Hexadecimal
0 H00
1 H01
2 H02
3 H03
Slot number Hexadecimal
0 H00
1 H01
2 H02
3 H03
4 H04
5 H05
6 H06
7 H07
8 H08
9 H09
10 H0A