User Information
ENERGY STAR User Information Statement: the factory
default settings of this television meet ENERGY STAR
requirements. Changing Picture Settings may increase
energy consumption, possibly beyond the limits required for
ENERGY STAR qualication.
To ensure your television is operating at optimal energy
efciency, select [Home] mode during initial activation. To
return to [Home] mode settings, select the [Installation] icon
from the menu, select [Store / Home Mode], then select
[Home]. This places the TV in [Standard] mode. [Standard]
mode is recommended for normal home use.
qualied TV. Products
that earn the ENERGY STAR prevent
green house gas emissions by meeting
strict guidelines set by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
mark are registered U.S. marks.
Important notes about your TV
The following symptoms are technical limitations of
LCD Display technology and are not an indication of
malfunction; therefore, Toshiba is not responsible for
perceived issues resulting from these symptoms.
An afterimage (ghost) may appear on the screen if a
xed, non-moving image appears for a long period of
time. The afterimage is not permanent and will
disappear in a short period of time.
The LCD panel contained in this TV is manufactured
using an extremely high level of precision technology;
however, there may be an occasional pixel (dot of
light) that does not operate properly (does not light,
remains constantly lit, etc.). This is a structural
property of LCD technology, is not a sign of
malfunction, and is not covered under your warranty.
Such pixels are not visible when the picture is viewed
from a normal viewing distance.
Note: Interactive video games that involve shooting a
“gun” type of joystick at an on-screen target may not
work with this TV.
Trademark Information
• ClearScan, ColorMaster, ColorStream, CQ Engine,
DynaLight, GameTimer, Native Mode, Stable Sound,
Surock, TheaterWide, and TosLink are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Toshiba America Information
Systems, Inc. and/or Toshiba Corporation.
• Blu-ray Disc™, Blu-ray™, and the logos are
trademarks of the Blu-ray Disc Association.
• For DTS patents, see http://patents.dts.
com. Manufactured under license from
DTS Licensing Limited. DTS, the Symbol, &
DTS and the Symbol together are
registered trademarks, and DTS
TruSurround is a trademark of DTS, Inc. ©
DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
• Manufactured under license from Dolby
Laboratories. Dolby
and the double-D
symbol are trademarks of Dolby
• DivX
, DivX Certied
and associated logos
are trademarks of Rovi Corporation or its
subsidiaries and are used under license.
• The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Denition
Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo
are trademarks or registered trademarks of
HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States
and other countries.
• MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology
licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
• Pandora is a registered trademark of
Pandora Media, Inc.
• WiFi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi
• YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc.
• This production contains Bitstream Vera
Sans fonts under the following copyright:
Copyright © 2003 by Bitstream, Inc. All
Rights Reserved. Bitstream Vera is a
trademark of Bitstream, Inc.
• All other brand and product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.