Recommended paper
To make copies with a fine image, the following types of paper are recommended.
If you wish to use copy paper other than the recommended types, consult your service technician.
*1 Only Toshiba-recommended OHP film should be used. Using any other film may cause a malfunction.
Handling and storing paper
Pay attention to the following points:
• Avoid using paper that is specially treated or previously printed on another machine, and also avoid
performing double copying on the same side of the paper, since this may cause a malfunction.
• Do not use paper with creases, wrinkles or curls, paper prone to curling, smooth or rough paper; this
may cause paper misfeeds.
• Paper should be wrapped in its wrapping and stored in a damp-free place.
• To prevent paper from being folded or bent, store it evenly on a flat surface.
Paper type Toshiba recommendations / Manufacturer Mode
Plain paper TIDAL/Hammermill (20 lb. Bond) PLAIN
Thick Laser/Hammermill (24 lb. Bond) THICK1
Laser/Hammermill (32 lb. Bond) THICK2
Exact Index/WAUSAU (90 lb. Index) THICK2
Exact Index/WAUSAU (110 lb. Index) THICK3
Tracing Paper 20 lb. Bond tracing paper PLAIN
Sticker labels 5165/AVERY THICK2
OHP Film
Envelope Westvaco Columbian CO138
Mailwell No. 553