No. Your Home location can be a place you go often, for example, your office.
It can be your actual home address, but it can be any address you like.
Why should I set a Home location?
Having a Home location means that you have a quick and easy way to navigate
there, by tapping the Home button in the Navigate to... menu
Change voice
Manage POIs
This button may only be available if all menu options are shown. To show all
menu options, tap Show ALL menu options in the Preferences menu.
Change voice
Tap this button to change the voice which gives you instructions.
Manage POIs
Tap this button to do the following:
• Set alerts for when you are near POIs.
For example, your XL can tell you when there is a petrol station nearby.
• Create your own POI categories and add POIs to them.
For example, you could create a category of POIs called “Friends”, and
add all your friend’s addresses as POIs in the category. You can even add
your friends’ phone numbers with their address so you can call them
from your XL.
The following buttons are available:
• Add POI - tap this button to add a location to a POI category you have
• Warn when near POI - tap this button to be warned when you approach
a POI. You can select the types of POI for which you wish to be warned.
• Delete POI - tap this button to delete a POI you created.
• Edit POI - tap this button to edit the details of a POI you created.
• Add POI category - tap this button to create a new POI category.
• Delete POI category - tap this button to delete a POI category you