3. Screw the wing mirror back into place. The wing mirror holds the Mirror
Mount in place.
4. Screw the Adhesive Mount to the Mirror Mount, using four of the small
screws included with the mounting kit.
5. Screw the Holder to the Adhesive Mount using four of the small screws
included with the mounting kit.
You can now place your TomTom RIDER in the Holder. See this section:
Placing your TomTom RIDER in the Holder on page 15.
Adhesive Mount
Use the Adhesive Mount if you are unable to use any of the other mounts, or
if you want to place your TomTom RIDER in a position that is not possible
using the other mounts.
Note: The washers help to prevent the mirror mount from moving or from
being damaged. Select the diameter of the washers according to the
diameter of the bolt hole.
Note: If you have only the bolt holes for a wing mirror, use one of the bolts
provided to hold the Mirror Mount in place. Select the diameter of the bolt
according to the diameter of the bolt hole.